Sutton Coldfield Graded Open 2022

Sutton Coldfield Graded Open 2022

Graded Open information

We are running a mixed singles format of A-E grade categories. Please ensure you select your ticket based on your squash level score.

  • A: Squash Levels : 5000+
  • D: Squash Levels: 500-999
  • E: Squash Levels: 0-499


There will be an early bird entry fee of £20 which includes a iPro Sports T-Shirt which runs from Wednesday 17th August to Friday September 30th.

After September 30th, the entry fee will rise to £25 and will still include the iPro Sports T-Shirt.

Entries will close on Saturday 22nd October.

Information around draws will be sent out in the week leading up to the graded open.


We will be offering merchandise prizes for the winners and runners up of each grade and a cash prize for the A Grade.


For information on our sponsors:

Ashaway –

iPro Sports –


– The winner of each match must mark the following match on the same court or find someone suitable to do it for you.

– Any withdrawals must be notified to Adam Langton as soon as possible, withdrawals after the closing date will not be refunded.

– All players under the age of 19 must be wearing suitable eye protection.

– American scoring to 11 points will be used in each event. If the score gets to 10 all, it is 2 clear points. Best of 3 games – Semi Finals and finals are best of 5 games. – Show court will be livestreamed throughout the day. If there are any objections then please contact the event organiser.

If you have any questions, please contact event organiser Adam Langton on 07961 780922 or on email at

To enter use the QR code below or use the link: