75 Club Monthly Prize Draw

75 club prizes

Most of you will already know about the 75 Club, many of you already participate and we are very grateful for your participation. 

What’s it all about?

For those that don’t know, newer members for example, here is some info about what it is, a little history and how to get involved.

Our 75 Club started in 2017 with 75 participants, for this year we only managed 65 but are grateful for all participants

Each participant pays £5/month (£60/year) to be entered into a monthly draw which takes place in the bar (under normal circumstances).

Each participant is allocated a ball number which is publicised to all involved. On the first Tuesday of each month 2 independent people verify that all those balls are placed in a black bag, one of the verifiers chooses 3 balls from the bag one at a time.

The lucky winner’s ball numbers are recorded and communicated to all the players, the prizes are shown below. Approximately half of the contributions are paid out in prizes each month and the remainder goes to the club’s project fund for club improvements.


Ask anyone who is already involved and you will learn that it is good fun and goes to a great cause.

The monies raised go into the club development fund which helped with the changing room improvements in recent years and will also help with any future club improvements that we need to carry out as well as ensure we have a rainy day pot for any unforeseen expenditure.

Prizes are based on a distribution – for example based on 75 participants

 Once again a BIG thank you to Andy “Muzza” Murray for supporting this draw by providing the shirts FOC – browse the club shop page here – https://www.iprosports.co.uk/club-zone/sutton-coldfield-squash-club-2/

How do I get involved then?

Payments can be made annually or by a monthly Standing Order – which ever you find easier.

Contact Pete Oddy and let him know that you wish to enter the draw – pandjoddy@gmail.com – 07773 068759

What are the payment details?

Regarding payment, we would like to move to a standing order system for all members to make the process as seamless as possible but if you want to pay by BACS then please do so.

What are the details?

Setup standing order to start mid January to account below: Existing SOs will carry on.

Make BACS payment of £60 per ball to account below:

Sort Code 20-07-89

Account Number 80865788

Account Name Sutton Coldfield Squash Rackets Club Ltd

Use the Reference:

100Club – SURNAME,  for example 100CLUB – DYMOND

so, we know, who has made payment.

When will the monthly draw take place?

As in previous years, the monthly draw will be done on the 1st Tuesday of the month in the bar about 6:45 (before committee meeting at 7pm). There is no need to be present, all participants will receive an email reporting the lucky winners. The results will also be displayed on a noticeboard in the bar, as well as on the 1st noticeboard within the squash club, just past the bag store area.


The purpose of the 75 Club is to raise funds. The money will be paid into the club bank account and used to help fund improvements at the club which be published in the club newsletter.


  1. For a cost of £5 per entry per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number between 1 and 75.
  2. A draw will be made every month with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Prizes will be drawn in 1st, 2nd then 3rd prize order
  3. The prizes will be 50% of the annual income.
  4. This will be apportioned based on 75 entrants as as 1st prize £110, 2nd prize of £50 and 3rd prize of £25.
  5. The 75 Club is a private lottery and is open to all members. Anyone age 16 or over can join.
  6. Numbers are limited to five per household.
  7. Payments must be made in advance or monthly by standing order. One month’s notice is required for cancellation.
  8. Member’s numbers will only be entered if their subscription is up to date.
  9. If a member has no valid reason for missing a payment, their number may be sold to someone on the reserve list.
  10. The draw shall be made by a club committee member in the bar at 6:45pm on the first Tuesday of each month.
  11. The winning cheque will be posted to the address on your membership application within one week of the draw.
  12. The name and numbers for each month’s winners will be posted in the club newsletter, on Facebook and by e-mail.
  13. The 75 Club will be run by the club Committee. In case of any dispute the decision of the Committee is final.
  14. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the 75 Club if his/her subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month.
  15. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into Club funds after six months.